Fashion Party Plan
Daring Diva shopping parties are a new service we would like to introduce in the near future, we are still building the groundwork for this and are only taking expressions of interest at this time.
A shopping party consists of a 1-2 hour fashion presentation which gives customers the chance to shop in the comfort of their home or venue of choice, among family and friends while having a good time. There are rewards for the hostess, guests and the presenter.
As a party planner you can work your own hours, around current employment and family commitments while earning an extra income, it's fun, easy and a great way to meet new people. If you are well presented, confident, friendly and love fashion we want to hear from you, to register your interest in become a Daring Diva Party Presenter please provide your details below and we'll reach out to you when we're ready.
As a party hostess or guest you can earn some great rewards and have a good time while you shop, if you'd like to host a party in future please register your interest below.
Party Benefits